In the Pokémon fandom, there’s a lot of complaints about the game being too easy. I’m not one of those people. However…
For whatever reason, Pokémon can’t seem to get it 100% right. There’s always something missing. I’m amazed at the fact that this game didn’t have too many QoL updates thus far that were present in the newer Pokémon games. Sure, we don’t have HM slaves, but now we’re right back to 1 time use of TMs. The bike is still difficult and a pain to ride. You run into Pokémon every other step when trying to travel, which was annoying with the older Pokémon games and is even more annoying now. I like being able to move freely and choose which Pokémon I interact with and when. Not many fire pokémon to choose from at the beginning of the game. You can’t turn off that really annoying focal blur. I don’t see any way to interact with your Pokémon such as Pokémon Amie, camping, etc. I have to wait until I get across Sinnoh to get a soothe bell to start really working on my friendship with my pokémon. The list will likely grow as I continue on (if I even do). I love pokémon and I always play the game once regardless of how it is, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to do that here. I understand a bit more now why people complain and what luxuries I’d enjoyed and gotten used to in the newer games that should always be present in all Pokémon games, ESPECIALLY remakes as that is the point of a remake - QoL updates to older games. Pokémon abandoning this per released game sucks.
Gen 4 was my least favorite when it came out and it sucks to see that it will be remaining my least favorite even after this “remake”.