I really am having a hard time believing the part about their mother. I do not see any advantage this aristocratic woman would have in "lending out" her sons to be abused. Alex said that when he got to know his mother he loved her. So did she have a now cured multiple personality disorder where she was so motherly later on? Marcus hated his father even not forgiving him for being mean and strict on his virtual deathbed. It was his mother who supposedly screwed him up!! Why would a man so strict not want to know where his sons were when they are out getting abused all night? Yet Marcus told Alex that their mother was cool. I think almost everyone who had a mother like Marcus described would call her anything but cool. I also wonder about their mother not wanting them to have a key to her house. Usually that is because you are afraid of something. Of them? Why? I wonder why they felt that something like this had to be written about and told to the public. Money? Payback? They both went on to have great lives with wives and children, long marriages too. People as damaged as Marcus says he was do not do that. Alex is either being exploited or in it with Marcus. 2 things really heightened my suspicions. Rich boy Marcus escaping from the man his mother left him with by jumping the turn styles in the train station, then walking home the rest of the way. Even Alex asked about the credibility of that. The other thing was Marcus having to tell Alex in a video. Ok if he is so ashamed or whatever about it, why in God's name did they make a documentary??? I don't buy it. Cock and bull story.