In general, these type of fringe, non mainstream movies are my cup of tea. Add to that, the intriguing match of the two actors and my interest was piqued.
Having said that, it really is hard to describe what I watched. When I walked out of the theater, I felt a little like I didn't really like it but still found it intriguing. So, for not liking the movie, in some strange way I like it. I guess the dichotomy is not unlike the movie itself, somewhat confusing yet satisfying.
At the end of the day, it is different and unusual with fantastic acting, and cinematic prowess. If you like those things, then you will like the movie, even if you kind of don't really know what you just watched.
So, I saw a film that I like not to like, and after a week, I still sit and think about what it was that I watched. Strange.