I was sooo excited to play this expansion - soo excited. Lvl squish, who cares, faction selection, who cares, it's wow - the same game I have been playing since a little before BC. I was looking forward to the new content. What I was not looking forward to is being limited to how fast I advance in the game. If i wanted to play a different game, I would have played a different game. Honestly, unless Blizz let's me play at my pace, I will cancel my subscription and never come back to it. I don't even want to login and play truthfully. Was so looking forward to immerse myself into WOW this holiday season, but now, I play for an hour, and I am bored. Yeah, others enjoy this, come up with all sorts of things to do etc, but it's a matter of preference - If i wanted a game with these limitations, I would have played something else.
There are no challenges in professions.
Limits on Renowed progression.
I feel like I am on a fad diet.
Get it together Blizzard, you are not my mother!