Concur fully with Sisi Doneva below.
A show with writing of its time. Incredibly old-fashioned, VERY slow paced, pseudo-earnest attempt at being feminist progressive, only to (throughout) prove to be a very sexist and un-woke. Adding to the detailed observations, NO urgent care/A&E lead consultant would forego a CT scan, behave like a cowboy, throw medical caution to the wind, nor any surgeon in an Operating Room pull their mask down off their face for some chit chat right by the open-chested patient.
Gillian Anderson is a terrific actress. Who signed up for a 3 series gig, with a script which could easily have fit into 1 series. Takes a lot of patience. Or just the motivation of an imminent tax bill? Either way she’s awesome.
It’s just so slow. Argh. So slow.