Tucker the past two guests you had on your show regarding the comments of VA governor were totally off base and a waste of tv time. Monica and Julie did not address what you asked. The questions were not about whether Roe v.Wade was legal or not. It was whether a child after being born should be killed or at the least allowed to die without resuscitation. Yes there are some babies born which are totally debilitated and not able to live without total assistance of their parents or care givers. But it is murder to kill them at birth or 20 or 40 years after they are born. Even if they can't walk, speak, eat, or hold their head up they are God's creation and killing them or allowing the mother and doctor to not resuscitate them is murder plain and simple. Technology today will tell the doctor and the parents long before 40 weeks that the child is not viable, and perhaps an abortion early on is what parents decide to do, but there is no reason for a 40 week abortion which actually is birth. If mother does not want the child she can sign off on her rights to the child, but killing the child then is murder plain and simple.