I have always liked the show, but the last show should not have been controversial, people take what the Rebel Flag really means the wrong way, the flag represented confederate soldiers that fought in the civil war. The civil war is history just like world war I and world war II and other historical wars and battles. Rachel did not do anything wrong. The Rebel Flag is not a symbol of racist or prejudice. The Rebel Flag represents soldiers and families that died in the civil war, the civil war happened for many issues not just one issue. We can not go back and change history, the civil war happened many many years ago. America is so different today then in the 1800s. I am also from the south born and raised. I am still living in the small town i grew up in, we do not have a racial issue. Our small town we have respect and hospitality for each other and families. Chris Harrison has done a really great job hosting the show. He has been the most respectful host for the cast and fans of the show. The show will not be the same with out him. Chris has been the one that all the fans love, and he will be missed very much.