This is hands down one of my favourite games.
The scenery is beautiful, the controls are flawless and the main story is enjoyable. The side missions and random encounters are also very entertaining.
I put around 120 hours into my first play through (including dlc) and did not grow bored just once.
I even enjoyed this game enough to play it again on new game plus, which I have rarely done with other games.
There are very little bugs and if you get caught strangely when out moving around, the game moves you out of the place automatically which means that you don’t have to quit and start the game up again.
It was well worth upgrading to the Directors Cut edition. The DLC with the Iki island expansion adds hours onto the game and is worth checking out.
The free online multiplayer game is also worth checking out.
One negative I would say is the inability to upgrade to the PS5 version for free. I purchased the main game at launch on PS4 (£50) I then paid to upgrade to the directors cut edition on ps4 when it came out (£25). If I want to upgrade to PS5 it’s another £30 on top. You do not get anything new with the PS5 upgrade, other than an increase in frame rate. It’s really not worth it and it’s simply annoying. If I had know this I would have waited and purchased the PS5 game on its own. Regardless of this, you don’t really need to upgrade to PS5, playing the PS4 version on the PS5 automatically increases the frame rate and you can notice a huge difference.