At first, the movie begins as a funny show, like every other story, but in the last episode, the movie ends with a bitter show, like all other lives. In the last episode, for the moment, a person is shown what This person seems to be deaf but fast, responding to passengers who ask him to stop, does not react, and with his black and horrible dress, brutally lashes the horses and continues to move forward fast. In the view of the carriage, it is a symbol of life itself that does not listen at all at the request of stopping.a boring environment with different travelers ,People with different perspectives going to a common point, towards death.
In the second episode, you can still see humor at the beginning of the story, but this time the irregularities that are taking place in the world are exhibited (an irregularity that already exists, perhaps with intensity More), And of course, a reference to a fate that can not be changed,The final scene of this episode looks pretty, When that young criminal is to be executed. That boy from the top of the Place of execution sees a beautiful girl and smiles And it's when we can find out the love that he could have had in his eyes, but it's too late. one smile . the end .
In the third episode, the story gets bitter, a boy who lost his arms and legs. he is a human, but his father uses him as a means to showcase and earn money and ignores his humanity. During duplicate performances, the boy speaks of human issues, including the story of Abel and Cain, Shakespeare's sentences and Lincoln's speeches, the words that are always repeated, but few people listen to their words, and many people, instead of listening to those words, gather around the Gypsy who have chicken that have the ability to calculate math, and eventually the father decides to buy the chicken and then drowns his defenseless boy deep down the river (the death of humanity).
In an episode that shows the old man searching for gold, An old man digging soil around the river to find gold and washing that soil to find gold in the river. And when he reaches the gold from the back, he is wounded by a gunfire who has chased him. The old man mimics the claim of a dead person, and when the shooter enters the hole, he gets in touch with him and kills him with a hammer, the top of the image looks like a grave. Blood and gold. Of course, the old man has spent all his life in the pursuit of gold and money, and each day a fictitious person calls Mr. Money and pledges to see him one day.(and again pessimistic about Human beings are featured in the film.)
In the episode, one can again see the uncertainty prevailing in the previous films of Coen brothers. It is said in a dialogue that How do we look at the future in confidence when we have not gotten any confidence from the past?
and the next day, the girl will have to commit suicide to maintain her nobility, and the bitter story of her marriage ends (And again, we see the loss of humanity). Now perhaps we can understand the conversation of people within the carriage, are all human beings the same? Are all human beings like furs?are humans or guilty or good-tempered?powerful or weak? ... .In the end, this story reaches a common point (Death), but the choice and judgment depends on the viewer himself. Considering the visual effects of the whole movei ,we saw the beautiful film.
And finally I have to say that this film personally reminded me of the movie Dreams (1990) directed by Akira Kurosawa, with episodes and the general view of the film, but far lower than that of dreams.