The creators of this game are liars. None of what we were lead to expect from the game judging from the trailers is true. Parts of trailers are totally fake and never happen in the story just to lure people to buy the game. Other things are totally not shown in the trailers. It’s simply a trap for people to buy the game promising something that will not happen. The story is probably the worst thing that totally destroyed the game. I am sure if the story would be good, people would have loved it. However, Neil Druckmann apparently decided to write an original story that nobody would expect. Nobody was indeed expecting that low quality of story writing. The plot is completely illogical, totally unsatisfying and pointless in its nature. Trying to flip the weights in an attempt of making us believe that villains are heroes and heroes become villains completely failed. The story is raw, boring and completely irrational. It is sad because a lot of people worked very very hard on the software, the graphics and the gameplay of this game and it could have turned to be just about the best game of the year if not for the Neil Druckmann completely destroying the game with the worst story imaginable. For me, the Last of Us ended in 2013. However, if you are not bothered by the story and only want to enjoy action gameplay, this game is totally worth it and I would give it the full 5 stars. The problem is that making the story that bad makes you even enjoy the gameplay less waiting for the game to be over as soon as possible, therefore I consider it a complete failure. For more accuracy, on the 100% scale I would rate the game as 8%.