Very repetitive. A lot of the jokes are sub par at best or straight up cringe inducing like Dante MJ dancing because of a cowboy hat. Boss fights lack any kind of real imagination as u can beat the bosses pretty much the same way each time. The main bad guy sounds like he was forced against his will to voice act in this game either that or he really gave up after 10 seconds. The strenuous button mashing that is mandatory for play as V is something I think everyone could do with out. I don't understand the need to put in a handy female with a southern deep southern accent that is almost cringe alone. Unfortunately I have not beat it yet but I'm only 2 chapters from completion of the game. N unfortunately due to it being on gamepass I almost wish I had passed on this particular Devil May Cry game as it's just not hitting all the notes it should I feel it's written in a complete circle kinda reminding me of how God of War was on PS2 n PS3 Yea not original at all. Infact it's kinda like this could have just been a straight to DVD movie if they wanted it to be. As there is alot of what I would think is filler. It's not bad in the same way people took DMC on PS3 and Xbox360 it's just kinda a lil boring n more of a chore with glaring flaws. That end up taking away from the story instead of adding to it. Shi this just my take on DMC5 so be easy...✌️ N 💚