Max Steel was the best cartoon animated superhero show that’s not based on comic book superheroes from Marvel, DC, or other superhero comic book publishers. Max Steel was great in season one season two and the 2015 movie trilogy. They should’ve just ended the series after the 2015 trilogy. Now they ruined the series by changing it and making it suck with team turbo team turbo fusion tek turbo charged and turbo warriors. Those movies took the greatness out of Max Steel which caused its demise. Those 4 movies took Max Steel from its prime all the way to its downfall. They really took the series downhill. However season one season two and the 2015 trilogy are still great. Being a huge fan of Max Steel myself I still love the series but only in season one season two and the 2015 trilogy. I hate those 4 movies that ruined the show. Because of that I say the real Max Steel goes from 2013-2015 in season one season two and the 2015 trilogy and I declare those 4 terrible movies non existent and not part of the real Max Steel. I’m giving this a 5 star ⭐️ rating but only because I love Max Steel in season one season two and the 2015 movie trilogy, which is where the series really should’ve ended.