The storyline is both interesting and at the same time confusing!! The story presents 3 different perspectives which i found unique n very interesting!! It has a great quality in it , that is , it leaves you confused and forces u to contemplate the story!!
If you’re someone who likes to think and complete the rest of the novel by yourself, then im sure u r gonna love this one. This novel is for those who loves to think n go beyond the actual literal meanings!!
I found the vocabulary a bit tough n difficult to follow!! He has used a lot of words which is new to me!! So looking at thats part i found it boring at times, because I couldn’t follow the track of the novel.
The story is about love and love in its purest form!! It depicts the divinity and serenity of love! And i loved that part of the book. Actually it changed my perspective of love! Love is about waiting, patience, endurance and much more!! Its not any hormonal rush or anything of that sort!!