If you are planning to watch this movie because from the looks of it, it gave "the Call" vibe, please don't. I repeat, please don't.
While there's no doubt as to how good the performance of Gyllenhaal is, the movie simply does not leave any impact. It is not able to build enough suspense, or tension as you would expect. In fact, while watching the movie you might even feel bored as nothing really happens till you are 1:10 hours into the film. The story line is good but I think the makers have not been able to portray it property. Should have shed more light on the lead character -"Joe" and his life. Could have made more use of the supporting characters. It's an incomplete story which does not leave any impact on the viewers.
Jake Gyllenhaal has acted in so many great movies and given such exceptional performances however this movie is a disappointment. You should rather go watch "the Call" to get this movie of your mind.