For english see below.
Цей фільм став для мене дуже приємною несподіванкою. Чи можна назвати цей фільм комедією? Можна - але вона там не головна. Цей фільм - це історія про маму й сина, про те як батьки хочуть нам всього найкращого, хоч і не знають як цього найкращого донести. Для мене це один з найкращих українських фільмів.
Окреме дякую хочеться сказати за те, що фільм не кривиться з українців і закарпатців, за те що запросили корінних закарпатців (Наша файта), а не перекривлювали закарпатську говірку з метою комедійного ефекту.
This movie came out of nowhere. One moment there's silence and the next everyone is talking about it. Is this movie worth such discussion? After I saw it I can say that yes, yes it is. So, what is this movie? Is it a comedy? Yes, but more importantly it is a story of mother and son. It is a story about our parent wishing for us all the best and not actually knowing what is the best, giving us all the love trying but not being able to change our life for the best. And the pain, that causes to them.
I wholeheartedly thank the creators of this movie for not mocking and making fun from ukrainians. God knows, for centuries ukrainians were considered second class people, uneducated and complete rednecks, and I think now it's enough.
I have no idea how viewers from other countries will get the nuances of language about our Transcarpathian region. I can only say, that probably in english version they should be voiced by scotts. But again, I adore the choice of creators not to mock their (and also mine) language but to show its beuty.
I advise everyone to go and see this movie. Light, funny and somehow simultaneously deep it deserves to represent the spirit of our country.