Aamir Khan has the most meaty role. If you are an Aamir fan, then you can go watch the movie. Surprisingly Amitabh Bachchan did not play his role with an impact that you associate him to. The film seems to be have everything that we have seen in movies like Baahubali, Pirates of Carribean and old hindi patriotic movies. It doesn't have anything new. The final song sequence is a big flop and doesn't please the viewer's senses. Imagine the villian's sidekick spots Aamir and yet the villian's doesn't get him arrested immediately. We have seen better individual Aamir and Amitabh movies. The face off between them and the scenes together lack the punch that you have seen say in Mohabbatein.
My Rating: 2.5/5 simply because I expected an Aamir and Amitabh movie to be a big cracker for Diwali