I am in love with this show i never got to watch it on t.v after 2 years that it ended I got to finally watch it on Disney + and I’m sooo in love this is the best show ever that I’ve ever watch and learned more Spanish. Before it was on Disney + I watched clips of it on YouTube I was so sad that I could not watch it. I fell in love with a show that I never watched only little clips. When I saw it on Disney + I’ma tell you I cried so much of happiness. Thank you God for Disney + cause with out it I would never have watched it. Yes it’s a telenovela but it gave my little kid self that my dreams can come true and to not give up you can hate it okay but just know that the actors gave their heart on that show and for the concerts I never been to one but the last show they had is coming on Disney + yess I’m so happy 😭. I am watching it right now while I write this. Thx Disney you made my life so happy. I’m 14 years old am I don’t care if it’s a little kid show or it’s telenovela I watch Telenovelas. I’m Hispanic duh 😂. I have so much more to say but I’m gonna write a whole book. But just one thing, gracias Disney, thank you Disney so much. And I also watched Violeta too but I love that show but not has much as Soy Luna🌙
- Grace ❤️