This is not a translation, it is a total perversion. Not only is it anti-gospel, it is anti-Christ. The author is a new age mystic who is trying to find peace in denying the reality of sin altogether, as if sin is just a delusion of the mind and not a deeply ingrained spiritual problem that is inherent in our fallen nature. So many people out there struggle and suffer in their battle with sin, and this so called author has tried to destroy the only true hope any of us have of overcoming sin, by faith alone in Christ alone. The author of this book is subjecting himself to the undiluted full measure of the Wrath of God for all of eternity, and anyone who buys his book only fuels in the damnation, 2nd John 1:11 (KJV), "For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker in his evil deeds." and Revelation 22:18-19, "If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life".
To give an example of his blasphemy which I got from a free online critique, John 1:13 (mirror bible), "These (the saved supposedly) are the ones who discover their genesis in God, beyond their natural conception! This is not about our blood lineage or whether we were wanted- or unwanted-child; this is about our God-begotteness. We are his dream come true and not the invention of our parents. You are indeed the greatest idea God has ever had!"
Obviously deifying sinful mankind, denying sin altogether, denying the power of God to save through Christ, while also creating a completely antithetical false gospel of self-praise instead of self-discipline. This isn't just heretical, it's satanic.
The only reason I gave it a star is because you have to in order to post a review.