Wish I could give it more. But it's like they just forgot about everybody. Tried to ride on Loki coat tales. But it was 10 times the story as deadpool wolverine. Yes there are some good parts. But they TVA wasn't even the real tva just some guy doing his own thing.
In no way did it move or progress the story. And they split up deadpool and his old lady....? Why, oh cause he stopped being a hero. Wait what he is an anti hero anyways. This was only to pull in old characters u used to love and down grade and kill them. U couldn't even bring back the real gambit. Idk. I wanted it to be good. Just wish it would have been a deadpool movie. And not some some compilation just mashed together. Only good parts were when they weren't trying to make a joke. U could have gave us logan 2 and deadpool 3. But it's more like a fake tva spin off.