This game is garbage! The fact is that I was really rooting for this game and it's an utter flop. Everything about the game is busted, matchmaking times, loading times, Predator and Marine movement, gun mechanics, Enemy AI, all of it is just bad. The frame rates are okay out of combat but in combat it drops tremendously and there is sometimes a lag. The biggest killer of this game for me is that it is just not fun, I would be willing to excuse everything if the game was fun but it's not, it's one big chore after another. The whole premise of the game is to do matches so that you unlock new gear and new skins, that's it! This game could have been amazing but it decided to go all the routes that is wrong in gaming. If you buy it more power to you but as it stands right now, the game is absolutely 100% the same as the beta, nothing fixed, nothing new. SSDD.