What a waste of money!
I was soo excited to watch the move and ended up soo disappointed. I don't understand why the movie was so much hyped for.
- Where did the creature come from?
- Why was he nowhere in the news?
- Were they doing research on the creature or mere torture?
- If the creature was supposed to be such a secret, why would they allow the cleaners to see it and hence the whole movie??
- The creature looks like Jaadu (koi mil gaya) + Avatar character.
- The creature gets stolen and they're investigating like someone stole a pen. Lol. - The good scientist who helped take the creature out doesn't care what might have happened to it then until the next day when he casually asks about it, Lol again.
- Really? How does she know before doing the intercourse that the creature can do it? Super lol!
- You can make your bathroom a swimming pool by just putting towels underneath the door.
- The creature goes to the theatre to watch a movie, without anyone's notice. And it puts it's hand's marks all over so that she can search it.
- The creature can breathe in air, breathe in water, heal anyone like Jaduu, face bullets and not die etc. etc. But can't bring her voice back despite of sleeping with her.
- I can keep writing, but don't want to waste more time. It's really over hyped