Id say the game itself is fun i dont really think i have any issue with the mechanics or any glitches or anything the actual game is very fun i could grind for hours with my friend and have alot of fun the only thing i hate is how every single person we find is trying to kill us, and people will set out just to kill people, and i know its a pvp but couldnt u create a seperate game mode where u cant be killed by other players but u can still play with ur friends and just grind, i know some people may find that boring but u could also have the arena where they can kill all they want its just super frustrating when u spend 3 hours grinding on all the missions u have and u have alot of money and u fought alot of skeletons and did alot of sailing for 3 long ours and right before u get to turn in all that hard work and get a reward some rando comes up that has been on 5 mins and they destroy ur ship kill u and take ur three hours of work in 3 mins, i really hate that and its the only thing that would ever make me delete the game but its so bad that ive been thinking about doing it because the game is almost un playable because they will even get on ur ship and not sink it ans just spawn kill u till u sink ur own ship. Again the game itself is very fun its just the other players so if there was a separate mode for just grinding and not being murdered and wasting ur time then i would give it a 5, but for now its gonna have to be a 3.