While the animation is lookable it is Obnoxious and doesn't make any sense (obviously) i saw 3 episodes and it tortured me I saw the episode Called Vegemaster where the jungle is facing a famine until they saw another land full of Vegetables I was thinking ok so how are they gonna bring it to the other animals so then a guy was living and talking to the veggies but then the plot changes to a big famine in the jungle to a face off between George vs some guy we just saw and most of the episode was them facing off until the guys house gets destroyed by lightning and into a river going toward a bunch of Pandas playing on the bridge so then George saves them and they all make up I know i didn't go further in detail in the episode but this one makes as less sense so the episode is called My Georging Jacket where george protect some Flooferbeasts after the narrator explains what it is and what does it like, when we will ever care He saves some Flooferbeasts from hunters while the hunters thought on what to do next after showing the hunters Failing to get them, getting trapped, and running away from George while George Rides on an Elephant chasing them as he throws Lions at the strong hunter 2 Lions to be exact, Until one of the fat hunter grabs a frog and almost kisses it the strong hunter says it is a Poisonous No-Licky Frog giving it an origin story as if we needed more nonsense they said it was originally called Wowyoureallygottatrythisgoongiveitagoodlicky Frog the animals kept licking the frog on what they said tasted like Butterscotch and Sweet Happy memories of Childhood after voting for them not to be licked so then they asked the Ape Council (YES THE APE COUNCIL) for the animals to not lick them anymore so the Ape Council used their magic not asking why they have that but anyway made the frogs Poisonous so whoever licks it will make their bones Melt. So the Hunters gather 100 frogs and decided to put it everywhere in georges house and doesn't notice until he see's the frog on the ground it jumps into it's mouth after he says if he is a prince so then the rest of the episode is aimed to george trying to be useful failing to save the Flooferbeasts after the hunters use shopping Carts, Cars, Trucks full of Flooferbeasts so george uses himself as a jacket since the hunters have Tranquilizers and use Ape (Thats the characters name) to stop the hunters saves the FlooferBeasts and George Becomes useful again. Third Episode called You gotta Beave Me (Terrible Title) so the Jungle faces a Drought so they Follow the river to see whats up so One of the characters who's name I don't know she explains on how beavers don't live in Tropical Climates i can believe that but a couple second later she said that Beavers invented the Hand Blender and Telephone and on how the Beavers must be destroyed so then George tries to stop them until the 3 Teethed Beaver tell him that he is Human George didn't know he was Human he thought he was George where it shows a Mommy George and Daddy George Throwing up making a Baby George so George has some ideas from his friends until he thinks he should destroy the (WORLDS BIGGEST PALM TREE) Destroying the dam after crushing George and Ape so then the beaver Takes off saying he'll have revenge and the episode ends. How do I think of the show it is Awful the movie was way better than this it is Annoying doesn't make sense when ever i see an episode a Brain cell i didn't know i have explodes now If you excuse me I might as well watch the Original.