Very good.
Ubisoft made the open world really feel like london - whilst I'm not from London I do live in the UK, and it feels like the UK.
The story is good, though It is not quite as good as I expected. None the less it is good.
Play as anyone integration, is 8/10 for me. I love the vast variation of characters and really unique abilities, some may be good to ilfitrate eg. Albion locations but may not have exceptional abilities outside of that - causes dilemma with what you want to chose.
The only cons with it, is you do encounter characters with the same voice sometimes if they are recruited in the same group/faction. Eg. recruiting multiple Albion officers, police officers etc. may lead to them having the same voices sometimes. Whilst this is not true for uncorrelated characters.
Although the play as anyone aspect is awesome, you can run into very repetitive and similar objectives when recruiting (usually follows: Go to some place, wait there until he comes out. Download something. Then go to a restricted area, download something/destroy something/drive something out). Although this is subjective to Potential Recruit's like to DedSec.
In addition, the communication between AI feels way to generic. Its always like eg. "Hi, you want to join the good fight" "Absolutely, but i need you to do something." "Go on *in a very generic voice*" "*explains*" "thats horrid" "if you do this for me i will repay you" "ok" "bye".
The story does not benefit from this sometimes, its not as fun due to the play as anyone aspect. But every installation has a con to it but overall it was beneficial for the game consistent beyond reasonable doubt.
Very good game for me, 8/10. I recommend purchasing :)