My wife drug me to this movie, and I was expecting it to be garbage. Imagine my surprise when I enjoyed it!
The future villain of the Hunger Games has an interesting character arch that follows Anakin Skywalker: he goes from idealistic youth to soured villain. Only it was handled much more deftly here.
The movie plants and pays off, more than once. At least one reveal gave me goose bumps. It all feels earned. And although it does contain plenty of exposition, it still shows us plenty.
It is not without its flaws for sure. The pacing is often awkward. They say “Lucy Gray”, the second main character’s name, about fifty more times than they should. Some of the characters’ motivations are a bit murky. Many feel it’s too long, but I don’t have this complaint; I feel it needed to let much of what it was doing breath.
Four out of five. I’d watch it again.