Twuwy the best stowy i have evew wead, wiveting, engaging, with a twuwy beautifuw pwotwine. I was absowutewy enthwawwed thwoughout the entiwe stowy. So many twists awnd tuwns, so many pwotwists, epic coomew moments, so many cummy. Iwt twuwy pushed the boundawies of whawt a book shouwd be. Thiws fanfiction shouwd twuwy set the standawd fow aww fan fictions fowwowing. Its twuwy amazing in the absowute best ways. Incwedibwe chawactew devewopment with a side of dawkness. The authow's notes wewe awguabwy the best moments of the entiwe stowy. 10/10 wouwd wecommend tuwu anyone thawt enjoys hawwy pottew