The plot of Hampstead revolves around the relationship between an American woman (Diane Keaton) who is living in a very upscale and wealthy apartment in Hampstead, England, and a kind of homeless man, Brendan Gleeson, who wanders around the area, and who lives in the forest in a make shift shack made from odds and ends. Keaton finds that she is in debt after her husband's death, and can no longer afford her expensive apartment. She meets Gleeson, who has basically shunned society, and lives a quiet life in the wooded area near her apartment. Gleeson's hermit like existence is threatened when he receives an eviction notice because the land he lives on is being developed into apartments. Keaton and Gleeson develop an unlikely friendship, which becomes romantic. I did not buy this at all, as Keaton and Gleeson have zero chemistry on screen. Keaton plays the exact same bumbling, slightly neurotic, pants and blouse buttoned up to her chin, character, and she brought nothing to her role at all. Gleeson, on the other hand, always turns in a stellar performance. It would have been great to have more of the film's focus on him, rather than focusing so much on Keaton's boring life and her snobby, rich friends. I really wanted to like this movie-the scenery is absolutely beautiful, but Keatton's performance and the lack of sparks between her and Gleeson ruined it for me.