Like most media they have really gone down hill, they don't bother to corroborate stories anymore, they just run with it. Where are the real journalists. For example claiming the USA has more deaths from the Chinese coronivirus than Italy but failing to mention that the USA has 5 times the population is sloppy, but it's what i expect. They run stories on the man made global warming hoax without bothering to see if they are even true, example they claim the science is settled because a few scientist have a consensus but since when did science operate on a consensus? Even if 100% of scientists had a consensus it still wouldn't make something true or false, science is about facts, not consensus. They allow no discussion on man made global warming, why? What are you afraid of? If you have all the facts then you should welcome discussion, imagine science working like that where scientists sit around and vote on whether something is true or not, what if everyone agreed the world was flat, would it then be true? Absolutely disgusting sell outs.