Riverdale is one of my fav tv shows and I just finished watching season 5, but I'm not comfortable with the couples now. Archie and Betty should definitely not be together. I mean when they are together I don't see any love, just morbid and that's nasty. Unlike when she was with Jughead they looked sweet together, there was a spark in their eyes, they shared a love of mystery and that made them soulmates for me. it felt real! they had problems as a couple, but they weren't exactly toxic.On the other hand, if the creators don't want Bughead to stay together that's fine, but barchie is the worst combination. Veronica even did everything to get back with Archie and what was the end of it? Anyway V with Archie or Reggie is fine. but I think Reggie understands her and that's what she really needs. Jughead and Thabitha look fake together so that was another mistake. I sincerely believe that the best thing is that Archie should be alone because he always seeks to be the hero of Riverdale and with so many things he does not have time for a partner. Now when we talk about the show it seems to me that they continue to exaggerate with the plot. It is true that it is a mystery but they should try something different and not the same as always.