First Cow (2019), directed by Kelly Reichardt, is a Western drama set in the 19th century. The story follows Otis "Cookie" Figowitz, a quiet and skilled cook traveling with a rough group of fur trappers who constantly berate him for not providing them with adequate food. During their journey, Cookie discovers a Chinese immigrant named King-Lu hiding in the woods, fleeing from Russians. Cookie helps him escape, and the two part ways, only to reunite later in a small town.
Their shared dreams of a better life lead them to form a partnership. A wealthy Englishman in the area has imported the first cow in the region, meant as a symbol of luxury. Cookie, with King-Lu's encouragement, sneaks out at night to secretly milk the cow. Using the stolen milk, Cookie bakes delicious cakes, which quickly become popular in the town due to their unique taste. As demand grows, people from all over begin purchasing their cakes, and the pair makes a decent profit.
However, their success hinges on continuing to milk the cow undetected. When they attempt one last heist for milk, they are almost caught, leading to a dangerous chase. Forced to flee, they are separated during their escape. After reuniting days later, they realize the town is no longer safe for them. Weakened by hunger and exhaustion, they embark on a difficult journey to find safety.
The film culminates in a moment of quiet resignation, as the two men, having reached their limits, lie down in a pit and pass away, their friendship unbroken even in the face of death.
First Cow is a powerful meditation on survival, human connection, and the fragile dreams of those on the margins. The film leaves a lasting impression, taking viewers into a different state of mind with its contemplative tone and themes.