I Love Boba Fett! The show had a bit of a slower start for episode 1, but I love the lore and plot building it gave us. I think that it was there to set the tone and guide the rest of the show, and it felt really fluid. I know some people didn’t appreciate the pacing in episode 1, and I didn’t think to highly of the fight against the assassins. However those were pretty minor details to me in wake of all that I learned and enjoyed throughout the rest of the episode. Boba Fett’s choices to spare the Gamorian guards and to rule with respect show the resolve and honor that Boba Fett has so far only really been given off the big screen. I think that the second episode was much better action wise than the first episode, and really completes whatever may have been lacking in episode 1. I was disappointed to see that ratings were low after episode 1 released, and was surprised to see even news articles bashing on the show. I thought that both episodes were great in their own right, and I’m very excited to see where they continue to take this story. Hopefully this second episode will appeal to all those that were dissatisfied with the first episode, and I would definitely recommend this show to anyone with an eye for action, adventure, and a passion for Star Wars!!!