Once again, I am appalled by your coverage of the Alberta election. Are you really working for Kenney or are you just too careless to find out what this election is really about? Hint: it’s not about oil. Whoever the Alberta premier is, s/he cannot change the price of oil, the international divestment from same or speed the pipeline. This election is about control. It is about whether we address climate change, diversify our economy and move into a changed future, or whether we succumb to ignorance and fear of change and let the clowns who brought us to this situation back into power.
If you were true journalists, you would look at the devastation the UCP and their right wing backers would do. (As an aside, why have you never explored the money pouring in from the Koch’s, et al thru the Fraser Institute, etc.?). Kenney is promising to follow the egregious Klein playbook. First thing is to lay off thousands of human resource workers (read women) to give a false sense of employment for less educated man. He will not build a refinery, retrain workers in dying industries such as coal, diversify the economy or slow climate change for which he has no policy. (Neither does Scheer).
You have seen the election only from your own prejudices about who and what Albertans are and how it will affect politics in the east. You have showed no nuance or understanding of anyone who does not fit your stereotype. The way you have approached this can do nothing but further the cause of the rightwing. I hope CBC survives the results.
Lucretia Martenet