I'm doing a rewatch and let me say something: this movie reminds me of the height of teen movies of the Millenial era: badly written love triangles, forces romances, and that weird magical horcrux almost coitus scene. It's very dreary, sad, depressing, so many scenes of our heroes just wondering the woods. Oh I get that they're trying to build up psychologically, but they've had 6 other movies, they're trying too hard at this point. This is peak 'split last books into 2 parts' cinema and this movie puts entire watch parties to sleep. Don't be swayed by these riveting reviews, be glad it's entirely streamable and nobody need waste money on the physical copies or paid for digital. It doesn't age well, and this movie forgets that Harry Potter Universe is Magical and need not be so political. Also Hermione torture scene is also unlikeable. Like holy cow 2024 why do we need our once magical, child friendly, the entire family could watch IP gotta be turned dark and ugly. It's actually ugly. My god for a holiday movie it's depressing and triggering. Skip this one.