I used to enjoy this show. Until this season (that apparently has just ended). Captain Sandy and her obvious preference for certain deck hands showed exactly what type of (horrid) manager she really is. Malia and her childish game she played so she could a) stay in Captain Sandy's pants, er good graces and b) sleep with her BF who wasn't part of the original group and oh yeah, no, as a short time last minute addition, he doesn't rank higher than the chief stew. Malia is a child who thinks because she had Captain sandy in her shorts, she ruled the deck. I'm all for girl power, but girl power has to be earned. The right way. An old girls club is just the same as an old boys club -- and just as sexist. And these two women just proved why women are their own worst enemy.
The rest of the casting, including Pete (why wasn't he canned sooner) and Mailia's milquetoast whinging BF were just useless.
I cannot wait until the REAL Below Deck comes back on the telly. Captain Lee wouldn't put up with this!