TL:DR You probably shouldn't waste your time watching this. Instead, go support a local artist whose work you truly enjoy. Buy then a coffee and tell them you like their art.
-- now for the extended cut --
This is 90 minutes of excessively rich, elitist, white people complaining about getting duped, and then flexing their money at each other.
This documentary is a continuation of the old habits we have of kissing the feet of the rich and self-appointed elite in the art world.
Note to the viewer-- THIS IS EVERYTHING THAT IS WRONG WITH THE ART WORLD. The best thing that could happen as a result of this documentary is that everyone, as a response, goes to watch the movie "Interstate 60" and watches until the art gallery scene. Then, perhaps we can all appreciate good art from "unnamed" individuals - rather than continually making a big deal about "the masters"- an action which only benefits the people in this documentary.
This review gets one star for it's one good purpose: It's a reality check.