This game is potentially quite good, but several game ending bugs have prevented me from ever completing a game despite multiple attempts. These bugs result from taking actions that are either encouraged by the game, or were easily foreseeable consequences of the game play.
One was an attempt to rebuild a ransacked wonder that was seized from an opponent. Since it was never claimed by myself, the game freezes when the wonder is rebuilt despite the option being prominently displayed at the top of the build list. Rather than reload an old save and act counter to what the game was encouraging, i decided to restart.
The next game ended with the partitioning of a third party by two large neighbors. I had 2 cities under my control when their third and last city was taken by another civ. The game wouldn't allow me to advance the turn until a peace deal was signed, but only displayed a blank screen when the attempt was made. Once again, my game was ended.
I have given up trying to play this game. The various civs don't have enough interesting differences to make replaying the first half of the game an intriguing proposition. Perhaps if the bugs get fixed and the gameplay of the different civs gets differentiated, I will go back and give it a re-review, but as of now, I can't honestly suggest anyone pay money for this product.