Multiplayer: 5/10 Campaign: 9/10 Co-op: 8/10 Overall: 7/10
90% of the maps are very poorly designed. The amount of physical objects that provide players with cover is way too intense, not to mention its hard to tell what surfaces you can/cant wall bang. In any of these maps, if your team falls back or you just straight up have a trash team, getting spawn camped is inevitable. NOT TO MENTION the spawnpoints are atrocious. I have literally spawned in buildings where an enemy was just beyond the first door in my sight and i immediately get sent back to the shadow realm.
While i am a good player and can consistently hold a k/d above 3.0 in any CoD game. This game is outright brutal, and hardcore.. even in a "core" gamemode. I tried realism mode and feel like im killing people just as efficiently as i would on core modes. While this doesnt necessarily effect me that much, i just imagine that less skilled players, who are playing for fun are just getting bounced around and spend 60% of their time looking at the respawn screen and main menu because they're getting absolutely obliterated by the very camp-heavy, spread out players, who're just beyond/have a better sight of their spawn.
I dont understand how they managed to make maps that are so imbalanced with the basic CoD game modes that've been around for years. Faze Jev stated it best... SPAWN DIE SPAWN DIE SPAWN DIE SPAWN DIE SPAWN DIE!!!!
I'm very happy with how the game feels, and the gameplay aspects. The new HUD and loadout options are very well thought out. The hit scan is executed almost perfectly, But other than that there are so many unbalanced aspects of the multiplayer that i cant seem to work my way around.
Other than being unable to enjoy multiplayer, the campaign and Co-op modes are near perfect and bring back old Modern Warfare nostalgia.