Bro this show is just pure gold, ever since I first started 9th grade which was in august 2021, I literally became very interested to this show, the animation is good, the voice acting is awesome, & the plot of the show is outstanding, I am a literal Die-Hard Super Mario Fanboy, this was back then when Mario & Luigi had Brooklyn accents, if you are a huge Super Mario fan like me, I’d suggest you check out this show on YouTube or in Tubi, too bad this is not on Netflix anymore :(, I’d give this show 10 stars if I could, But my favorite Mario character is Luigi, Luigi might be a bit of a coward, but he has great character development, but this show is very funny, but an oddball at the same time, this show is good, but does have some animation errors, by my favorite episode is “Butch Mario and the Luigi kid”, so check this show out one day ;)