I have enjoyed thoroughly Colin's and Joy's perspective on sports-of-the-day, and ability to widen the context of events and actions of the personalities they discuss. That said, I was quite surprised with the narrow perspective each showed in the discussion of A.B.'s Sunday meltdown. I'm not a psych doc, but my experience with a family member says that was, like other well-documented, over-the-top outrageous episodes of his acting out, a man unable to cope in a socially acceptable way due to bipolar disorder. One cannot assume someone with obvious poor coping skills, for whatever reason, can get a grip in a moment of what became a high-stress circumstance for him. Whether someone else thinks he should have been able to control his actions -- or could have, if he had chosen to -- is irrelevant to what he was experiencing. I am hopeful everyone involved directly in the situation and decision-making relative to his life and career at this point will work forward with compassion instead of degradation. (I do not give this opinion because he is a relative of mine - just another perspective from having dealt with a loved one with severe irritabiity and anger issues because of an untreated mental health disorder.)