I'll start this off by saying this is my first ever review, for literally anything. I till this day still play the first Last of Us, and I've probably beaten it roughly twenty times - including falling into the 0.05% of players based on achievements who have accomplished beating the game on Grounded mode Plus. Without a doubt, the first game is the best game I have ever played - and I've played just about every well told story-driven game imaginable.
Now to get to Part Two of the Last of Us. It's visually stunning (the graphics are straight up fantastic), the voice acting is along the same level as the first - which is pretty damn impressive, the gameplay is totally different compared to the first but in a very good way, the soundtrack is a massive piece to the game and it's done phenomenally (no surprise here) and the storyline... oh boy is it great. Part Two's introduction comes on strong and very happily. It seems too good to be true for a while, and once that happiness is ended, it makes you feel all the emotions of Ellie as you embark on her journey for revenge with her. This is something I've never quite experienced before in gaming. Throughout all the games I've played, I've never quiet felt like I'm in the shoes of the character... like my thirst for revenge and hatred, along with mourning and grief was at an unreachable level. Whilst putting you through all the emotions of Ellie, it makes you remember how unforgiving and devastating the world of the Last of Us takes place in.
As for all the one star and negative reviews, let me give yall some clarity on why that is. Most people are upset because there were spoilers, finding out that Ellie was lesbian (even though it was very clear that she was in the DLC of the first game) and that Joel was not only killed (which was somewhat bound to happen in the sequel) but he was killed by a woman. If you're not sexist, you should have no problem enjoying the game. If you are, well, you shouldn't even own a television.