Been watching Harris Faulkner on both "Outnumbered" and the "Overtime" version for a very long time. She does a terrific job at facilitating the members on her show. My belief is we all need to have an open dialog of truth and perspective. Unfortunately Maria Harpf does not want the truth to be known. As she did during the "OBummer" administration, she spews out untrue events and positions, refused yesterday to answer a binary question from Ms. Faulkner on the reality of no major city run by Republicans that have the same issues like Portland and Seattle or Chicago and she lies. She tells purposeful untruths, tries to use it to divide the viewers and has no moral values. Please FOX News, if this person continues to be on the show, I will stop watching it. I can no longer support a program that allows obvious lies and distortion to be told to its viewers. You folks may think it healthy, but I find it disgusting. Ms. Harpf, either acknowledge the truth, answer questions without distortion with made up lies or go home.