Doctor Who Season 11/12
After watching episode 10 The Timeless Child i will never watch doctor who after season 10 again.
The acting is terrible and actors seemed to have been cast just for the way they look. There are too many companions or should say fam? (yuck!)
The writing is the worst. Why hasn't the last two series employed people that know how to write science fiction? It seems to me these series are more obsessed with politics than interesting stories. Doctor Who has always dealt with social issues but now politics are the main focus of the episodes and that its so visible shows that the writers do not know how to do subtlety.
Season 12 Episode 10 finally destroyed doctor who for me. Doctor who has always changed (the doctor has changed 13 times (not counting this episode) and i understand with long-running shows that there needs to be some change but the show was radically changed two years ago at the beginning of season 11. It seems that we didn't get the identity politics message so now it needs to be rammed home by changing the whole history of the Doctor.
Doctor who has been changed forever.
Is changing doctor who this way going to stop trump? or stop boris from doing whatever offended you?
Why does doctor who have to be destroyed to make political points? This show has never been so overtly political. This is a show for the whole family whatever their make up or however they describe themselves. That includes having different political views.
The show is called Doctor Who. Who? is the question that should never be answered. Sunday's show ruined that forever. 
New doctor who is dead for me. I will not be watching any new episodes or anything after season 10 again.
Rating for doctor who (2005) pre season 11 ***** five stars!