Really enjoyed the first series but after that it all became a bit too much. People seem to rate it highly due to the constant suspense and action but I see this as its downfall, there is no balance or contrasting behaviour.
Every episode has these ridiculous things that happen, a one in a billion chance kind of thing and this happens on the regular.
You have the most wanted criminals in America walking around federal buildings and not being recognised. Burrows doesn't seem to be able to cover his chest up throughout every single episode for some reason. Michael only has one expression where he looks slightly off camera with a sort of 'zoolander' type smould that just becomes irritating very quickly. Teabag runs around for almost 4 seasons with one hand yet he is still able to overpower and dominate anyone he wants. The general, doesn't ever talk for half a series, on writes notes or meets in a rowing boat in the middle of the ocean so he can't be 'heard' and then all off a sudden he is the most vocal, phone using character, just like that, it's absolute madness I tell you. The whole mum thing is ridiculous. Characters surviving things that they definitely should not and doing things that definitely would not and yet everything is extremely predictable.
I could slate it all day to be honest but overall it is one dimensional, highly predictable, very irrational, vastly overrated and one of the most annoying series I've ever watched.
They've tried too hard and failed because of it.