I think str is not a nice actor but now he is the first and str with magha akash kiss screen was the the best in the movie str is the hero for me now onwardsand this movie is the a family that was break by a marriage and that was cleared by raja(str), and a nice combo of comedy robo Shankar,yogi babu and a nice largest family and str was rich in the movie and nice songs and the first str love ramaya but ramaya love another and when he faces a fight to get the another to join to the ramaya when he join thee ramaya love he get a girl friend
Magha akash first she always angry became of taja and when she fall from first floor to jeep she forgat all about she and str get a girlfriend and the last fighting scene was nice and the str is a nice in the movie in family I think str should always take like these movies,if str and another cast in the movie see these please act in the str movies, the next super star is str, bye and I'm DHIYANSHU DEV K.P. 13 years old and studying in sboa matrix her sec school chennai 9-E my house is in Madhavaram pukraj nager 1 main road chennai