Ellen I love your show ,and recently Facebook you and was requested to try to winsome money i live here in orange California am on disability a car or cash would help out alot I did those fun things for a day or 2 than last night you requested I go to CVS or Walmart and purchase an iTunes card for 100.oo I did that and also said thats all of the money i got till 1st and they said to take a picture to prove I did it and receipt and I did that to at 4 in the morning th you said approved and I got confirmation # and tour # so I thought ok I win something maybe so I get home and they said go and purchase 2 more iTunes cards and at this point I new something was a hoax because I know this is not the Ellen we all know and love. So I'm writing to this post so you can warn your viewers and they won't get ripped off to .love your show and when I lived in Mississippi I used to watch you a
On a comedy show. Loved you then love you know please warnyour viewers so they dont fall victim to the scam .
Terri Cowan Fernandez