This isn't metroid 2D. This is a hold your hand, quick time action, simple mind enabling spin on metroid. Go here and follow this linear path. Defeat this boss and get an ability for it then move on to the next area using that ability. I was hoping for exploration Metroid. Don't tell me where to go. Explore and find an ability in a crevasse somewhere off the beaten path. The enticipation I felt when I found a room that led to a chozo statue. Yes I'm about to get a new ability that opens up those areas on the map I looked at but couldn't get to before. A boss battle was an epic event. You didn't see many bosses but you've been saving all of those missels just for this occasion. Emmi, just annoying. Absolutely annoying. Nothing more. Something to prong the gameplay by making you run around a little bit, get. Caught a few times and run around some more in the same area before moving on. The map isn't memorable at all. I'm just moving I to areas that aren't grayed which would mean I haven't been there. I'm not looking and saying to my self, oh year I remember being there that's where that area was I couldn't get to before. I'm just letting them guide me forward. Progressing through the game like it's a damn movie. When I envision a fun 2D metroid, I see Super Metroid with better graphics. Metroid fusion still holds the top spot for the worst metroid ever made but this one is 2nd right behind it. Super metroid still holds the top spot.