At first, I loved the premise of this manga/anime. It’s quite common but has a lot of possibility to wrapped it in a unique way - like the grimoire concept. But, there’s just too much negative points for this manga/anime (from a 26-yo man perspective).
Storywise, It’s basically a shounen genre so expect a lot of battle scene. And i mean A LOT. There’s not enough room for breathing between each arcs, and it feels like the author just throwing some good story material by rushing the plot. It feels like after one big battle, there’s not that much time elapsed until the next big battle - As in manga, you could expect getting a big battle like every 10-15 chapters.
Character development is the worst of them all. There is too many characters - sometimes, you could get tens of new characters every arcs. You could imagine how shallow the character feels because there is not enough development, even for the MAIN CHARACTER. Seriously? This manga has too much good points to waste. Oh, and i forgot how EVERY bad guy becomes good guy at the end of each arc. Yeah, imagine the cringelevel soaring up when they suddenly “waking up” from their evilness thing.
Seriously, the plot is NOT deep at all, but sure if you just want to watch/read something because you ran out of film/manga, this could be for you. Or, if you are somewhere below 14-yo, this could be a manga/anime for you because it’s not that hard to read it. Then again, this is a shounen manga, so I guess I’m not in their market target Lol.