There is a crossroad (point of no return) in every story, when the author (reki kawahara in this case) exaggerates the abilities of the foes or the heroes too much (to extend his story maybe?) to make it impossible to believe. The other problem this author has in Accel World is that he over summarizes everything!! Even in the same volume, he repeats experiences, one, two, three times over and over again. Something that happened the page before, should not be summarized the page after (it's not like the reader reads a page and then stops). I love Sword Art Online, the story, the soundtrack, even the anime is the best to me. I know this was written under a lot of pressure (anime, game, deadlines) back in 2012 but, If I could turn back time, I wish rather than to read 230-260 pages of over extended, over summarized, unbelievable (not credible) experiences and abilities (i.e. - wofgam cerberus).
I think Mr Kawahara has a tendency to inflate and improve his foes as a way for his heroes to overcome them. The only problem with this constant barrage of adversity is that he ends up constructing fictional characters who are masochistic and or martyrs...