EX MACHINA! It seems like the whole movie was written by people who weren't real fans/know the sorce material. The abilities of the force users was way higher than ever shown before and was the main focus. Also, the whole movie seemed to be one continuous ex machina moment;( God of the machine) as they were the saving moment in a desperate time.... over and over again the entire length of the movie. Before this movie trilogy the main characters were part of a larger whole and they were the one important and piece of the puzzle but now they are the majority of the puzzle and the rest of the story is the border to make them look pretty. Still the movie has great musical scores and exciting moments but unfortunately they tried to put an entire story arch into half of it, a whole new bad guy and background for him in half of it, and bring back all of the old characters, in a way that isn't canon, to give fan service to all and to top it off, shove it full of Easter eggs , RIP off the OG trilogy and make a rushed film.
SHORT VERSION. Liked it but poorly written and tried to make up for it with series of exciting moments.