The whole short film is a masterpiece and perfection! I can't believe it has been 10 days since All Too Well: The Short Film came out 'cause I can still remember it all too well that I was crying like a baby as I watched the whole film and the fact that I have zero experience of being in love neither being in a relationship but this hurts me so much. Sadie and Dylan are so perfect for the role and Taylor, mom, one of the greatest singer-songwriters in this generation and now, in her directorial debut in a short film with two of my favorite actors. It's 13/13 for me. Thank you for this journey, Taylor. I will always be here supporting you and loving you even though you don't know who I am but your music inspires me, it makes me feel of having a boyfriend I never had and you'll never see, you sing me to sleep. I love you with all of my heart, Taylor.